Vote Centers Have Replaced Precinct Polling Places

Jan 8, 2023 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Why The Change?

Pima was the 13th county in Arizona to go to Vote Centers. The system has been in effect since first adopted by Yavapai County in 2012. The Vote Center model has had broad bi-partisan support among election officials who prefer the system for several reasons:

  • It is more convenient. It allows people the flexibility to vote near their home, workplace, school, or wherever they happen to be on Election Day.
  • It reduces confusion. It eliminates the problem of voters going to the wrong polling place where they then had to cast a provisional ballot.
  • We get faster results. It reduces the need for provisional ballots, which slow down the tabulation of results.
  • It is more efficient to run. Setting up polling places has become increasingly expensive and difficult to staff. Vote Centers, combined with more efficient electronic check-in procedures will reduce the time it takes to vote, as well as the expense.

Location, Location, Location

There will be approximately 130 Vote Centers located throughout the county for the Primary and General Elections. They will be large indoor spaces that have ample parking and are ADA compliant. Vote Centers will be located close to public transportation in areas where more people vote in person